The Plot: Cath feels like she's starting college all wrong: she's in a semi-fight with her twin sister Wren (who decided she doesn't want to be Cath's roommate anymore), they are leaving their unstable Dad to his own devices back home and she just doesn't feel like she fits in at school.
Her only refuge is Simon Snow. As kids, both Wren and Cath were huge Simon Snow fans - they read and re-read the books, saw the movies and even wrote fanfiction about it - but as they grew up, only Cath stuck to the fandom, becoming The Fanfic Author of Simon and Baz Romance. Cath loves Simon and Baz so much that she much rather live in their world (or stay in her room writing about them all the time) than anything in the Real world.
Still, with Wren partying hard and getting lost in the "college experience", Cath is forced to come out of her shell a little bit: striking a writing partnership with fellow classmate Nick at Fiction Writing class; sharing diner with her roommate Reagan and almost-accidentally hanging out with Reagan's boyfriend Levi, who is so nice Cath doesn't know if he's flirting with her or just being kind.
Her only refuge is Simon Snow. As kids, both Wren and Cath were huge Simon Snow fans - they read and re-read the books, saw the movies and even wrote fanfiction about it - but as they grew up, only Cath stuck to the fandom, becoming The Fanfic Author of Simon and Baz Romance. Cath loves Simon and Baz so much that she much rather live in their world (or stay in her room writing about them all the time) than anything in the Real world.
Still, with Wren partying hard and getting lost in the "college experience", Cath is forced to come out of her shell a little bit: striking a writing partnership with fellow classmate Nick at Fiction Writing class; sharing diner with her roommate Reagan and almost-accidentally hanging out with Reagan's boyfriend Levi, who is so nice Cath doesn't know if he's flirting with her or just being kind.
First Date: All right, Cath, you're a little neurotic but I dig that. No, scratch that, you're a lot neurotic but is okay, I am too. The beginning is a little slow for me but I can't put this book down anyway, even if Cath makes me feel bad about my fanfiction skills with her stats.
Second Date: I don't like this Nick-person. But I LOVE REAGAN. Seriously, I'm forming a Reagan fanclub!! Things are moving at a better pace now. Sometimes I do feel almost too identified with Cath, is scary.
Third Date: I've cried and I've laughed... and I HAVE SHIPPED!!!!!!
Relationship Status: Riding off into the Sunset Together.
Third Date: I've cried and I've laughed... and I HAVE SHIPPED!!!!!!
Relationship Status: Riding off into the Sunset Together.
Fangirl gave me book hangover and put me in such a good mood at the same time. It broke my heart wide open and made it all better, is so strange for me to describe. Granted, maybe I was the perfect target audience for this book: I am a fan girl, and when I love a fandom I'm Obsessive about it.
That and many other things about Cath resonated with me so much, particularly in her relationship with her sister. I have a sister and there were some parts where I just felt this feeling of deja vu watching Wren and Cath fight because I've been in fights like those.
As I said I love Reagan, she's such an awesome character. I loved every scene she was in!! and I loved Levi! I didn't at first but by the end I was shipping hard. He's so nice, and I dig me some nice. Honestly. Plus he says this thing in the book.. and it's my second most favorite quote that a guy has ever said to a girl in a book. (First place goes to Jonah Griggs, of course, in case you were wondering ;) ).
To miss-quote Eleanor (of Eleanor & Park), I want to break this book into pieces and love them all to death.
Favorite Quotes (THEY WERE SO MANY!!!)
"No," Cath said, "Seriously. Look at you. You've got your shit together, you're not scared of anything. I'm scared of everything. And I'm crazy. Like maybe you think I'm a little crazy, but I only ever let people see the tip of my crazy iceberg. Underneath this veneer of slightly crazy and mildly socially retarded, I'm a complete disaster"
"Happily ever after, or even just together ever after, is not cheesy," Wren said, "It's the noblest, like, the most courageous, thing two people can shoot for."
"I don't have to forgive you," Cath said, "It's not like that with you. You're in with me. Always. No matter what happens."
"Even without her makeup, and hair, the girl was terrifying. There was just no fear in her. No hesitation. Talking to Reagan was like standing in front of an oncoming train."

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