Here at A Girl, Books and Other Things, I review Young Adult Fiction and Romance novels, within these two big genres I'm open to everything, Historical, Contemporary, Paranormal, etc. Though I will say I don't read much dystopia, vampire books, fantasy or Sci-Fi.
I give an honest opinion about the books I read and try not to post undue spoilers - though this is hard since I'm a certified spoiler hound - and just share the books I love and try to get more people to read them.

My rating system goes from 1 stars (being the lowest but very rare) to 5 stars (being the highest), and it works something like this:
5.0 Must read, a book to keep, can't wait for more of the same author/next book in series. Will definitely re-read often.
4.5 Loved the book, almost perfect, still a must read! High Re-read potential.
4.0 Really Good - Liked the book, will look for more by the same author. Minor drawbacks
3.5 OK book, not great but pretty good. Will keep checking out this author. Some drawbacks
3.0 OK book, not rushing to buy more by the same author/next book in series, but will still read eventually. Average.
2.5 Meh - I wonder why I picked up this book. Major draw backs and only some redeemable qualities. Isn't likely I'll read more by this author.
2.0 Meh - This book has very few redeeming qualities
1.5. .Won't be reading more by this author.
1.0 Horrible - What the hell I was thinking?
But I definitely reckon that book reviewing is 95% a matter of personal taste - just because I didn't like something doesn't mean other people feel the same - and I don't believe in book bashing.
In short, you can see my system on the left-hand side of the page:

Personal Favorite
Also, I'm a reviewer outside the US, which I know can be a problem for some people. Thankfully, I'm on Net Galley, which has made my life so much easier, though I still buy over 70% of the books I review.
Anyway, that, in a nutshell is how the site works.
Also, due to my job I'm not always able to answer all review inquiries by email right away, so if I don't answer within a week, please consider it as a polite "No, thank you".