The Deal: Mark Diego left Santa del Rey and became the youngest hockey coach in the NHL, but he never forgot his home town - even if he never wanted to go live there again - and so, when two of his players get in trouble and cause a PR nightmare, Mark decides he's going to take them back to Santa del Rey and teach them how to become role modals whether they want it or not.
On the other hand, Rainey never left Santa del Rey - a little town that has recently been hit hard by the fires and the economy - and now she helps run the North side recreation center along with her best friend Rick - who also happens to be Mark's brother.
She always had an unrequited crush on Mark - one that led her to the two most embarrassing moments of her life -so she's not exactly thrilled to have him back in town, and having to work with him for the rest of the summer, particularly because he keeps invading her personal space and chasing off her dates.
My Thoughts: Time Out was a really quick contemporary read, and though the characters weren't as developed as I would like, the story was very nice over all. Rainey and Mark are easily likable characters, and the fact that they have known each other forever helps to buy into the premise of the story - and the fact that they jump into bed fairly early on.
The story is a bit cliched - Rainey is really in love with Mark, has been for years, and Mark is a hot-shot guy who has never thought of settling down - but the writing was good and it didn't take that much time to read.
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