Hello everyone!! This is my first stop for Meg-A-Readers Blog Hop. As soon as I knew this was going to happen I knew I had to participate as I've been a Meg Cabot Fan Girl for a really, really long time.
There are many reasons why I love Meg's books: they are funny and sweet and awesome. But, even better than that, her heroines are awesome - plus, she does have some very yummy guys in her pantheon of heroes.

Meg has written a wild variety of girls and women in her many, many books, and each one of them has her own personality and flaws and neurosis but they are all smart, confident and brave when they need be, and passionate about something other than boys. They all have strong opinions about this passion, and though I might not always agree with them, I've always been able to respect and love them for it.
So, for my first stop of the tour I decided to put together a List of my Top 5 Favorite Girls/Women from Meg's World.
Special Mention/Runner Up/ Top 6 Just Doesn't have the same right to it:
Lucy Madison (All American Girl/Ready Or Not).
I love Lucy, I can't help it. I know she's not the protagonist of All American Girl but I love her. She's every bit everything Annoying Older Sisters are (and I would know, I got one of those) but at the same time she's incredibly loyal to her sisters, is there when they need her - even if she always tries to put her own spin on things - and she's fun. She's the kind of girl whom you write off as being superficial, but then she surprises you with her hidden depths even though she's still essentially whom she has always been.
5. Lou Calabrese (She Went All The Way)
After being left by her long time boyfriend -who then went up and married in the middle of a press-frenzy - Lou isn't exactly ready to trust love again, but when love does happen - even if it is with her sometime nemesis - she lets herself go there (even if it isn't the smoothest rode ever). Also, I love that she loves movies - all kinds of movies - and always finds a movie reference to apply to what's going on in her life.
4. Mia Thermopolis (Princess Diaries)
I had to put Mia, she was the first Cabot Girl I got to know and for that alone she'll always have a special place in my heart. But I'm not going to lie, sometimes Mia isn't the easiest person to like - she gets in her head a lot, and has a tendency for the dramatic - but, in the end, she always does the right thing and comes off better for all her trouble. I loved seeing her grow up through the course of the 10 books that made the PD series. And her love for all things nature and animals? I loved that too.
3. Heather Wells (Heather Wells' Mysteries)
Heather is the one of two"grown up" Meg's heroines to make the list. One of the things I love the most about heather - other than her acknowledgement that Size 12 is not Fat - is that she has an incredible ability to pick herself up after she has been down, to let go of things in her past - like her mom running off with all her money - and not be overly bitter about it. She does tend to fling herself into danger sometimes, but she means well, and usually manages to save the day.
2. Jess Mastriani (1-800-Where-R-You)

Jess is tough as nails and she's not going to let you forget it! Having grown up getting into fights to defend her older brother Douglas, Jess is a bit of a tomboy and a whole lot of trouble, but she loves her family - even if her mom can be a bit judgmental from time to time, and she does make Jess wear awful dresses - and she's smart, self-reliant yet not afraid to ask for help. A little free with her fists, she does always try to do what's right, and even if she never quite believes her 'gift' to find missing people is such big gift at all, she tries to help people with it.
1. Suze Simon (Mediator)

What there is not to love about Suze? She's one kick-ass girl and with a great sense of fashion. At the beginning of the Mediator Series, she's not happy to be moving from New York to California, but she does it in the name of her mom's happiness, and she grows to love her new family, particularly her youngest step-brother David.Suze has always been my favorite heroine, and the one I identify with the most - I'm still not sure why, maybe because, other than being a liaison between the living and the dead, she's a pretty normal girl. Again, she's a very loyal person and loves fiercely. Plus, I love that she's sarcastic and tough but, much like Jess, she has a soft center.
So, those are my favorite girls, what about you guys? who's your favorite heroine of Meg's world?
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