After accidentally losing weight after having the flu, Leslie decides that her path to happiness is through being thin and begins a diet which quickly spins out of control as her 'goal weight' keeps dropping and she feels that can't stop.
I first read this book (with that cover, I read the Spanish version that's why I put it ;) ) when I was twelve and in middle school, I had been struggling with many self-esteem and self-image issues, mostly because my sister was size five and I was size nine and everyone in my family called me 'fatty' as if it was an endearment; and I was amazed by it.
There are no easy answers in this book, it is a struggle and even though the it practically ends with three dots its also very hopeful. This is one book I red and re-red almost every year at least once. I can't correctly say how much it meant to me back then but I can say that it is a must read.

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